Azerbaijani hackers try to spread panic in Armenia

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo. The National Security Service of Armenia has revealed several cases of hacking of account users of Armenian social networks by Azerbaijani hackers.

According to the NSS press service, in the course of monitoring the  social networks carried out by the body, in order to avoid  misinformation against the background of the situation with  coronavirus, records were revealed that there are allegedly cases of  deaths from the virus in Armenia.  As it turned out, in a number of  cases, these pages were hacked by Azerbaijani hackers and spread  misinformation on behalf of users from Armenia.

Moreover, the country's Police also issued a statement in which it  noted that according to the agency, the Armenian users of social  networks did not know that similar records were published on their  pages in social networks. It was later established that these records  were made from Azerbaijani IP addresses. It should be noted that to  date 136 cases of coronavirus have been registered in Armenia. The  country on March 16 passed to a state of emergency, which will last  until April 14.