Asbarez: An Appeal to all Armenians

Armenian Revolutionary Federation

These days, everyone around the world is impacted by the crisis touched off by the Coronoavirus. This pandemic is serious and continues its unabated spread, infecting many and claiming significant casualties.

Naturally, our nation and our homeland are also experiencing this disaster. The large family of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, with all its entities, rank and file, Hai-Tahd offices, committee, youth and students structures and affiliate organizations—ARS, Hamazkayin, Homenetmen—as well as supporters with their institutions and circles, places all its abilities in service of our people, especially Armenia and Artsakh, with a resolve to provide the optimum assistance.

Thus, we call on all our structures in different communities to make a special effort to serve our people and assist especially the less protected and endangered sectors, regardless of they ideological or denominational affiliation. To this end, certain project have already been initiated in several communities. These efforts will expand more vigorously.

Furthermore, in collaboration with the ARS, we have already provided hundreds of thousands dollars worth assistance to Armenia and Artsakh and will continue to provide the essentials. To this end, we are in contact with the relevant bodies in both republics. Thus, we call on everyone to take part, with pan-Armenian support, in the efforts put forth by the government of the Republic of Armenia to prevent and contain the Coronavirus.

Dear Compatriots,
The current situation call for the coalescing of our national efforts and unity, discipline and strength so that we can confront the dangers facing our homeland and our people. We are confident that by coming together we can circumvent this situation as well. We would like to assure everyone that we are monitoring the situation and its layers closely, and would like to once again stress that we will place our entire capabilities at the service of our people.

ARF Bureau