Armenia President holding remote conversations with Armenian scholars, scientists and cultural figures, Armenia
April 1 2020

18:22, 01.04.2020

President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian has undertaken the initiative to host a series of remote conversations with the heads of Armenia’s cultural, scientific, educational and academic institutions and cultural figures in order to encourage them and become familiar with their activities during the state of emergency and future plans.

In this context, Armen Sarkissian had a phone conversation with Director of the National Museum-Institute of Architecture Mark Grigorian.

President Sarkissian asked Grigorian about the state of the museum, emphasized the unique role of Armenian architecture in the art of world architecture and promised to visit the museum after the end of the spread of the novel coronavirus and the state of emergency.

President Sarkissian also had a phone conversation with artistic director and principal conductor of the Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra Eduard Topchyan.

The President asked about the Orchestra’s activities during the state of emergency and the fate of the previously scheduled concerts. Topchyan informed that the Orchestra’s concerts have been postponed and that he currently communicates with music lovers online. President Sarkissian stated that there might be cooperation between the Staff of the President and the Orchestra after the end of the state of emergency in Armenia.