Today marks fourth anniversary of 2016 April War

Panorama, Armenia
April 2 2020

Four years have passed since the 2016 April War. Azerbaijan unleashed a large-scale offensive along the entire Artsakh-Azerbaijan Line of Contact on the night of April 1 to 2, using almost all types of military equipment available in its arsenal.

Wide-scale military clashes started between the Armed Forces of the Republic of Artsakh and the Republic of Azerbaijan, which were later dubbed the Four-Day War or April War.

The military confrontation is considered to have taken place from April 2-5, but, in fact, the hostilities continued after those four days, when the first and strong momentum of the Azerbaijani attack was broken thanks to the heroic battles of the Armenian army.

Yes, the April War gave the Armenian people new heroes, unfortunately, at the cost of their lives.

Whereas the Azerbaijani side, which once again violated the ceasefire agreement signed by it 25 years ago, once again did not hesitate to resort to its practice of killing civilians, including the elderly, shooting at schools, killing and injuring children, "taking hostage" dead or wounded servicemen…

Criminal cases have been launched into the hostile actions of Azerbaijanis, not worthy of a man and a soldier.