Media Advocate urges Armenian authorities not to use epidemic for political purposes

Panorama, Armenia
April 1 2020

Media Advocate initiative issued a statement on Wednesday, urging the Armenian authorities not to use the coronavirus outbreak in the country for political purposes.

Below is the full text of the statement:

"The National Assembly adopted the draft law on amendments to the Armenian law “On Legal Regime of State of Emergency and the Law on Electronic Communication” with 71 votes in favor. According to the bill, during a state of emergency, the movement, calls and SMS data of individual citizens using telecommunications operators, will be collected and may be used at any time.

Media Advocate initiative regrets that the bill which is actually nothing but an invasion into someone else’s private life was in fact adopted. This project was opposed by the human rights defender of the Republic of Armenia, as well as by a number of media representatives and human rights organizations.

After failing to secure a quorum, the ruling party lawmakers convened a special session for passing the bill and, as opposition lawmakers state, they were informed about the session five minutes after the session began: as a result, the actual session was held without opposition representatives.

The emergency state, established because of coronavirus, is not yet a basis for invading into people’s private lives. We urge to adhere to the principles of human rights and not to reach their ultimate and total abolition by means of these restrictions.

Media Advocate initiative urges the authorities to refrain from using the epidemic for their political interests. The technical means, the human and financial resources that are planned to be used when implementing his project, are not justified and are actually new means of fighting against the opposition.”