Torosyan: Spread of coronavirus got out of control in Armenia

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo. In Armenia, the number of deaths from coronavirus reached 12. Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia Arsen Torosyan announced this on April 10 during a meeting of the Standing Committee on Health and Social Affairs of  the National Assembly of Armenia.

Earlier, 11 cases of death from COVID-19 were reported, however, as  Torosyan informed, an 81-year-old citizen, who also suffered from  serious illnesses, later died. Speaking about the situation with the  spread of coronavirus in the republic, the minister called not to be  deceived by a relatively small number of new cases. The fact is that  if earlier in the day about 50 new cases from one outbreak (for  example, a manufacturing enterprise) could be detected, today it is  16-30, but from 10-20 sources of infection. Thus, according to him,  the spread of the coronavirus has got out of control in Armenia.

<Despite this, we are faced with the task of identifying each case  and continuing appropriate measures:  testing, treatment and  isolation of the circle of patients' communication. We must carry out  these actions to the best of our ability until we are forced to  confine ourselves to testing and treatment, since isolation will  become meaningless due to the scale of the virus's spread," Torosyan  emphasized.

According to him, the experience of other countries testifies to the  correctness of the measures taken. For example, in Sweden, where  practically no steps are taken to ensure that citizens acquire  immunity, about 800 deaths from coronavirus were recorded per 10  million people. If a similar scale is transferred to Armenia, then at  the moment the number of deaths should have reached 200. Thus, the  current figure in 12 cases of death is the result of tough measures. < They may seem tough in terms of impact on the economy, the  psychological state of citizens, as well as the stress on medical  staff. However, they are very effective and efficient. Our task is to  maintain a low mortality rate and move forward>, Torosyan said.   To note, a total of 937 cases of coronavirus were confirmed in  Armenia.