Teach For Armenia aims to end the “digital divide”

MediaMax, Armenia

The foundation has said in a statement that now more than ever before, the students need access. Without it, TFA has said, the students are experiencing a tremendous disruption in learning, and the current situation has further magnified educational inequities within Armenia’s education system.

 You can help to close the digital divide in Armenia and Artsakh. By donating USD 200, you will equip one student with a device and internet connectivity. Our aim is to equip 1,000 students with technology by June. Even once the virus subsides, the technological disparity facing our students must be addressed. COVID-19 did not create the digital divide, it simply exacerbated the problem,” said TFA founder and CEO Larisa Hovannisian. 

 The foundation’s aim is to provide each and every student with the necessary tools for the next academic year.

 To take part in the fundraising campaign, . 
