Union of Armenians of Ukraine launched an online exhibition dedicated to 105th anniversary of Armenian Genocide

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo. The Union of Armenians of Ukraine (UAU) initiated and launched an online  exhibition dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the Armenian  Genocide in the Ottoman Empire on a special portal.  As stated on the  official website of the UAU, the exhibition contains archival  photographs, documents and historical analytics about the Armenian  Genocide, which can be viewed by clicking on the following link:  http://sau.ho.ua/. 

, said historian Vahe Petrosyan. The scientist  emphasized that it is imperative to prevent the recurrence of such a  tragedy, which requires conviction and a full understanding of the  scale of the disaster. 

To note, in the morning, April 24, in all the churches of the  Ukrainian Diocese of the AAC, the bells simultaneously rang. After a  minute of silence, memorial services were held, which parishioners  could watch live. In connection with the coronavirus pandemic, the  traditional laying of flowers at Khachkar on the day of commemoration  of the victims of the Genocide took place in a narrow circle.   Regional communities, in particular Kiev, Chernihiv, Cherkasy,  Kamenets-Podolsky, Odessa, Dnipro and Kropyvnytskyi, took part in  socially directed flash mobs, making thematic videos, some of which  were broadcast on regional television channels. In Odessa, a closed  film screening of the movie "Promise" took place on a large screen in  the open. Of particular interest was the online lecture "The Armenian  Genocide: Comprehension of History" from the head of the historical  and cultural committee of the Union of Armenians of Ukraine,  candidate of historical sciences David Davtyan. Banners, billboards,  citylights and other socially oriented informational materials about  the Armenian Genocide were installed on the streets of Ukrainian  cities. 

To recall, earlier in the media the letter of the Deputy Foreign  Minister of Ukraine Vasily Bodnar to Ukrainian officials was  circulated, in which he asked them to refrain from using the  term  Armenian Genocide and participating in commemorative events on the  occasion of the 105th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.   Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada MP Daria Volodina sharply criticized the  appeal of Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Vasily Bodnar: "The next  bottom has been broken. After talking with the Foreign Ministry last  year, it was clear that some officials of this ministry were deeply  indifferent to both the fate of Ukraine and our individual citizens,  but no less problem is the absolute illiteracy of certain people who  work there. "On the television channel , the MP emphasized the  need for an internal investigation regarding to deputy minister.  

To note, on April 24, on the initiative of Daria Volodina, 26 MPs of  the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine recorded a video message in memory of  the victims of the Armenian Genocide – "Ukraine remembers"  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLZ94g8Mcs0&feature=youtu.be).  

 Ukraine has not officially recognized the Armenian Genocide, but,  now the Verkhovna Rada is considering a draft resolution initiated by  MP Anton Polyakov "Draft Resolution on the Recognition of the  Armenian Genocide" (registration No. 2376 of 11/05/2019). According  to the latest data, more than 400,000 ethnic Armenians live in  Ukraine, who are citizens of Ukraine or are legally located in the  country.