CIVILNET.How Do Armenians Benefit from E-Governance Tools?



The total volume of applications addressed to the state and local self-government bodies of Armenia through electronic systems has increased during the state of emergency that was declared to curb the spread of coronavirus in the country. 

For example, the number of the applications sent by citizens in March 2020, via the one-window system for electronic requests, was 5,329, along with a significant increase in the number of applications observed in April. For comparison, it's worth highlighting that in January 2020, the number of applications was only 910, meaning that the number has increased fivefold. 

The sharp increase in the number of applications demonstrates that the introduction of the electronic system is not only an innovative and effective way to apply or submit a complaint or a request to different government agencies, but is also a useful tool that makes the daily lives of citizens easier. 

The one-window system for electronic requests and a number of electronic governance tools, which are part of public administration reforms in Armenia, have been introduced with the support of the European Union and are aimed at improving the delivery of public service. 

Since 2016, the European Union has committed over €20 million to support public administration and public finance management reforms in Armenia.  With the support of the EU more than 10 e-governance platforms have been established in Armenia, among them are the electronic document management system “Mulberry,” the electronic system of the State Register for Legal Entities -, the unified website for publications of draft legal acts -, the electronic notary system, the traffic police’s one-stop shop for registration of cars and issuing vehicle number plates –, the hot line service of the Ministry of Justice of Armenia –, etc. 

A number of civil servants and representatives of government agencies have enhanced their knowledge and skills in different EU member state countries, to contribute to a more efficient, accountable and innovative public administration system.

Public administration reforms are one of the core sectors in horizontal reforms, and the introduction of electronic governance tools improves the quality of citizen's life at large. As a result of public administration reforms, the public administration system becomes more transparent, accountable, innovative and efficient.    

Alina Nahapetyan