Major political developments expected in Armenia in near future: former NSS director

Aysor, Armenia
May 3 2020

On the occasion of the Day of Freedom of Press former director of the National Security Service Arthur Vanetsyan congratulated mass media and journalists who as he said “with their principle and consistent work are providing information to public.”

“It is a well-known truth that free speech and independent press are one of the biggest achievements in the human history, the valuable pillar on which the democracy is based,” he said, expressing conviction that the democratic future of Armenia is indivertible and for it the existence of free and principle media is a must.

“The recent developments showed that our mass media does not retreat before the pressures and artificially created difficulties and are resolutely bringing into life their mission,” he said, congratulating journalists.

“P.S. Taking into account the recent domestic political developments, I am convinced that in the near future major political developments are expected in Armenia, and your work will be the most demanded and the most appreciated one,” he said.