Head of "Bright Armenia" accused the authorities of organizing hate campaign against his party in social networks

Arminfo, Armenia
May 15 2020

ArmInfo. The head of the Bright Armenia parliamentary faction, Edmon Marukyan, complained that false information was being circulated through social networks regarding the party he led.  

During a live broadcast on Facebook, Marukyan  noted that this campaign aims to distract people from the country's  problems and denigrate the party in the eyes of the public. "The  authorities use force to silence a person," the head of the BA  emphasized. Marukyan noted that many users on social networks  organized hate campaign against the faction, in support of his words  the head of the faction showed photos containing insults and threats.  He also emphasized that when someone on the social network tries to  express an alternative opinion, he is immediately called a  provocateur, and "a servant of Azerbaijan". 

"We have been expecting for 2 years that Prime Minister Nikol  Pashinyan will condemn the environment of hatred and intolerance  prevailing in our country, but he does not. I urge our followers not  to get involved in various disputes, since most of those who actively  incite such conflicts are fakes>, the lawmaker emphasized. In  conclusion, Marukyan noted. "In our respect, anti-propaganda is  carried out and it is obvious that it is the work of the authorities.  We have no choice but to report this to the public. All this is done  in order to distract you from your true challenges, because people  have no way to pay utility bills, some are even driven out of the  house, because many cannot pay for renting an apartment. However,  forgetting all this, some people are creating photo collages where I  hold the Azerbaijani flag. I urge you not to believe disinformation,  to be conscious and not to succumb to provocations>, the MP  concluded.

It should be noted that the work of the National Assembly of the  Republic of Armenia on May 8 was interrupted due to the conflict that  arose between the head of the Bright Armenia faction Edmon Marukyan  and the lawmaker of the National Assembly from the My Step faction  Sasun Mikayelyan. Other members of parliament were involved in the  assault. Clarification of relations with the participation of  parliamentarians continued during the announced break, after which  the conflicting parties finally dispersed. After that, Marukyan began  to complain about the persecution carried out against his party in  social networks. To recall, yesterday the information spread on  social networks that Edmon Marukyan is the <project> of the  son-in-law of the third President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, former  Ambassador of Armenia to the Vatican Mikael Minasyan. Allegedly, the  MP is on Minasyan's allowance, receiving from him $ 15,000 per month.  Moreover, this information also noted that Minasyan provided over $  400,000 to the party for the election campaign alone to the new  parliament.