Sports: Russian Football Union to exempt Armenian footballers from ‘legionnaires’ quota

Panorama, Armenia
June 9 2020

The Executive Board of the Russian Football Union (RFU) will exclude footballers from Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan from the list of foreign athletes, often called as the legionnaires, allowed to play for Russia’s football clubs. As reports, the decision will be adopted during RFU Board meeting on Tuesday.

The decision is explained by the fact that Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus are EAEU member states and their citizens are not considered legionnaires in the Russian Premier League. Earlier, a similar decision was adopted with regard to football players from Belarus.

To note, the Russian Premier League (RPL) is currently exploiting the ‘6+5’ quota, which means that not more than six foreign players could be simultaneously playing for one club on the field during the match time.
