Iran Pushing to Lower Barriers to Trade with Armenia

Tasnim News Agency, Iran
  • June, 13, 2020 – 17:01

In a statement on Saturday, the Iranian embassy in Yerevan said the government of Armenia has extended a state of emergency by July 13 to curb the spread of the coronavirus, noting that the Caucasus country has defined a set of criteria to end the state of emergency, including the creation of an effective vaccine or introduction of a treatment for COVID-19.

The embassy said restrictions on the entry of foreign nationals into Armenia are still in place.

It also noted that Iran’s embassy is in constant contact with the Armenian officials and is pursuing efforts to lower and remove the barriers to trade between the two neighbors, settle the problems that Iranians may face in Armenia under the state of emergency, and urge the Armenian government to make arrangements for individuals and groups with special conditions.

In April, Iran’s president and the prime minister of Armenia called for plans to normalize the trade exchanges between the two neighbors following a slump in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, stressing that resumption of trade should conform to the health protocols.