Music: Winners of Aram Khachaturian international competition announced

Panorama, Armenia
19:51 16/06/2020Armenia

The 16th Khachaturian International Competition announced the winners late on Monday at the final gala concert of the competition.

As “Aram-Khachaturian Competition” Cultural Foundation reports Diana Adamyan from Armenia won the 1st prize, Michael Germer from Denmark took the 2nd prize and Belle Ting from Taiwan – 3rd prize. Feliks Harutyunyan received a special diploma. 

To note, this year's competition was specialized in violin and brought together 19 violinists from 13 countries. The Competition used  number of technological solutions and artificial intelligence for this year’s edition. Particularly, the winners will perform with the orchestral accompaniment from the Armenian State Symphony Orchestra remotely with an opportunity to choose their suitable version and combine their performance with the orchestral accompaniment through a special app.

The closing concert featured composer Aram Khachaturian's Violin Concerto.