Azerbaijani press: UNSC publishes report on Armenia’s occupation policy in Azerbaijani territories



A comprehensive report on the international legal obligations of the aggressor country Armenia that occupied Azerbaijani territories has been published and circulated at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The author of the report is Professor, Royal Lawyer Malcolm Shaw (UK), AzerTag reports.

The main provisions of the report read as follows:

– The Armenian Armed Forces were directly involved in the occupation of the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan and seven adjacent regions.

– Armenia established a puppet regime in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and continues to support its existence in various ways, including by maintaining a military presence there. Armenia cannot avoid responsibility for these violations of international law by trying to conceal its aggressive role behind the scenes of a puppet regime.

– International law prohibits the possession of territories by force. Therefore, any action taken by Armenia or its puppet regime in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan cannot change the previous legal status of these territories. Consequently, those territories are the territories of Azerbaijan in accordance with international law.

– Armenia holds state responsibility for its violation of international humanitarian law and international human rights. Such violations include attempts to change the laws and legal system of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, infringement on property rights, demolition or destruction of cultural and historical monuments, the establishment of Armenian settlements in the occupied territories, improper treatment with people under the protection and their violent destruction.

– Armenia must stop its violations and pay compensation for the damage caused by these violations. These obligations can be monitored and enforced by the relevant UN human rights treaty bodies and international judicial institutions inconsistent with international humanitarian law and international human rights law.

– Armenia can be held individually responsible for the numerous military offenses, crimes against humanity, and genocide during this aggression through the national courts, as well as the courts of different countries or third countries. Its state responsibility can be executed by interstate mechanisms.

The report exposing Armenia's occupation policy was published and circulated as an official document of the UN General Assembly and the Security Council.