Armenian PM offers congratulations on Prosecutor’s Office Employee Day



 15:56, 1 July, 2020

YEREVAN, JULY 1, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan addressed a congratulatory message on the Day of the Prosecutor’s Office Employee and the 102nd anniversary of the Prosecutor’s Office.

“Dear representatives of the prosecution system,

Congratulations on the Prosecutor’s Office Employee Day and the 102nd anniversary of the formation of the Prosecution.

Today the expectations of our society, people from the Prosecution are great than ever before. With the 2018 peaceful, velvet and people’s revolution the people expressed their clear will to have Armenia where the rule of law is established, the principle of inevitability of punishment for crime committed is in force, where an efficient fight is being carried out against the criminal world, abuses and corruption.

And the implementation of the legal expectation of the people on these directions greatly depends on the activity of the prosecution. The current period is really a serious trial for the prosecution because the representatives of this system in most cases must form the truths known to the people as a charge and defend them in the court”, the Armenian PM said in his message, wishing capacity and determination to the representatives of the system for conducting their works.  

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan