Latvia supports OSCE MG’s efforts to restore ceasefire regime

Latvia supports OSCE MG's efforts to restore ceasefire regime




YEREVAN, JULY 15, ARMENPRESS. The Foreign Ministry of Latvia is concerned over the escalation of situation between the armed forces of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Tavush Province and reciprocal shootings, ARMENPRESS was informed from the official website of Latvia’s foreign ministry.

''Those incidents create serious challenges for peace and stability that claimed lives from both sides. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on the sides to immediately stop military operations and restore the ceasefire regime. Armenia and Azerbaijan should avoid from future operations or announcements that can lead to future escalation of the conflict.

The position of Latvia on Nagorno Karabakh is known. Latvia supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of each country as defined in the Helsinki Final Act Charter of Paris. Latvia thinks Nagorno Karabakh conflict can be solved only through peaceful ways in the sidelines of the OSCE Minsk Group based on the principles of the international law.

The Foreign Ministry fully supports the OSCE Minsk Group and its 3 Co-chairs in their efforts to restore the ceasefire regime. The Foreign Ministry expects that the two sides will refrain from use of force and will work in the direction of a peaceful settlement'', reads the statement.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan