RA MFA: Armenia maintains partnership relations with Russia, which are based on the principles of equality, friendship, age-old ties

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo.  Armenia maintains  partnership relations with Russia, which are based on the principles  of equality, friendship and age-old ties. On July 21, during a video  conference organized by the Armenian service of Radio Liberty, the  Spokesperson of the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anna Naghdalyan  said this, commenting on the scandalous recording of the head of the  RT TV channel Margarita Simonyan.

According to Anna Naghdalyan, she has the right to comment on  specific issues or specific situations, but is not authorized to  comment on the opinion of this or that journalist. "I have my own  position, but this is my personal position, and I would not like to  express it," Anna Naghdalyan noted.

It should be noted that the editor-in-chief of the Russian state TV  channel Russia Today, the Russian international state news agency  "Russia Today" and the Russian state news agency <Sputnik>, Margarita  Simonyan, made a statement on her Facebook page the day before,  containing unprecedented offensive attacks against Armenia and its  government.

<I appeal to the Armenian authorities. I appeal to the authorities,  and not to the people, of which I am a part. I am appealing only  because your Internet troops have dung my social networks with  demands (in a boorish and aggressive form) to 'express my position'.  Take a look on yourself from the side. See what you are doing. How  you behave. What kind of Armenians are you? Armenians are an honest,  noble and grateful people. I've always been like that. And you behave  like (FORBIDDEN BY ROSKOMNADZOR). In response to the long-term  goodness and protection you received from Russia, you did not  recognize Crimea. Because this is an internal affair of Armenia.  Exclusively out of political revenge, you put Robert Kocharyan in  prison – who is Russia's constant ally. You did that on purpose,  defiantly, spitting right in the face of your 'Russian friends'.  Because this is an internal affair of Armenia. You have flooded the  country with anti-Russian NGOs that are teaching young people on your  territory how to overthrow the government in Russia. You have become  a springboard for anti- Russian forces in the Caucasus. Because this  is an internal affair of Armenia. You kicked out Russian Armenian  businessmen. You don't want anything to do with Russia. Because this  is an internal affair of Armenia. Your media and social networks are  pouring mud on Russia, Putin, everyone who supports Putin, especially  Russian Armenians (for example, me). You have divided the  unfortunate, already disappearing Armenian people into enemies -  Russian Armenians – and "real" Armenians- those who support your  momentary power. Because this is an internal affair of Armenia. And  now, when there is a war on your border, when the very existence of  your regime is under threat, when the Armenians of the whole world  are already seeing the revived ghosts of the janissaries with crooked  knives with which they cut our ancestors, you remembered that Russia  must save you again. Isn't this an internal affair of Armenia? After  all the evil and choking contempt that you have shown towards Russia  in recent years, do your information troops and you consider yourself  entitled to wait for help? In fact, after everything you've done,  Russia has every moral right to spit on you and grind you. But she  won't do that. I'm sure.  It will help this time too. Because Russia  is like that. Generous and noble, my beloved homeland.  And you are  just a bunch of screaming politicians who betrayed the interests of  the great Armenian people for the sake of a moment of power and petty  personal revenge. Read Narekatsi at night. Maybe you will wake up the  remnants of the famous Armenian conscientiousness and the ability to  appreciate good. If you do not have Narekatsi, then I will tell you.  It lies on my bedside table. And about the war, I will tell both  sides only one thing: stop! There is nothing worse than war. I know  this on my own skin. Just stop before it's too late>, – wrote the  editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan.