Turkish-Armenian MP Garo Paylan addresses questions to Turkey’s FM concerning Azerbaijani nuclear threats

Panorama, Armenia
Politics 18:58 22/07/2020Region

Turkish-Armenian MP Garo Paylan representing the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) has addressed number of questions to Turkey’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Çavuşoglu concerning the Azerbaijani recent threats to strike the Armenian nuclear power plant.

According to the Armenian Weekly report, Paylan has pointed that several soldiers and civilians died as a result of the recent escalation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border.

While both sides blamed each other for instigating the conflict, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced that “what Armenia did is unacceptable. Azerbaijan is not alone. We as the Republic of Turkey and Turkish people stand with Azerbaijan with all of our capabilities.” 
Paylan reminded that similar statements were made by AKP party member and President of the Republic Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Minister of Defense Hulusi Akar.

"Turkey, as a member of the OSCE Minsk group created to promote conflict resolution between Azerbaijan and Armenia, should have announced its intention toward resolution, whereas in the midst of these tensions did not remain neutral for other racial purposes and intensified the conflict through aggravating statements,” Paylan said. According to the source, Paylan has raised the below questions to the minister:  

1. Do you demonstrate partiality in the emergent conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan for racial purposes?
2. Have you not understood that racist foreign policy “pours kerosene on the flame” and only expands the problems?
3. The Turkish military industry wants to sell more ammunition to Azerbaijan. Is this the reason you aggravate tensions? 
4. Have you considered sending soldiers to Azerbaijan?
5. If Turkey does not belong to one race, why do you conduct foreign policy with racist considerations?
6. Do you sometimes remember that you are a member of the OSCE Minsk group, which was founded with the purpose of diminishing the tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan?
7. Have you still not understood that the only victor in destabilization in the Caucasus is Russia?
8. How do you comment upon the threat posed by the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan that it is prepared to strike the nuclear power plant at the Turkey-Armenia border?