Asbarez: Yerevan Blames Baku for Instigating Anti-Armenian Violence Around the World

July 24,  2020

Clockwise from top left: An Armenian-owned cafe in Kyiv, Ukraine was set ablaze; the KZV school in San Francisco was vandalized and a vehicle was burned in front of the Armenian Embassy in Berlin

Since Azerbaijan suffered massive losses on the battlefield when its forces brazenly began attacking military and civilian targets in Armenia’s Tavush region beginning on July 12, the number of violent attacks against Armenians and Armenian establishments around the world have increased. On Friday, Armenia’s Foreign Ministry directly blamed official Baku for inciting—and sanctioning—hatred and violence toward Armenians around the world.

It began with Azerbaijanis living in Moscow stomping on apricots from Armenia and displaying discriminatory signs blocking sale of products to Armenians to beating up an Armenian man in Moscow. Armenian-owned cafes were set ablaze in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. The vehicle belonging to Armenia’s Ambassador to Germany was set on fire in front of the Embassy in Berlin. Peaceful Armenian protesters were attacked or berated in London, Washington and Los Angeles. The Krouzian-Zekarian Armenian School and the Armenian community center in San Francisco were defaced by pro-Azerbaijani graffiti.

These are just a few examples of how institutionalized hatred toward Armenians is manifesting itself around the world, with the implicit involvement of Azerbaijani state authorities, who, in an effort to mask their humiliating defeat on the battlefield, are targeting Armenian individuals and private or public establishments.

“Recently, we have witnessed violent incidents and attempts against Armenian citizens and members of Armenian communities in various countries around the world. There have been cases of obstructing the normal work of the Armenian diplomatic missions and Armenian communities abroad, as well as the deliberate destruction of their personal and business property, which in some cases have threatened the security of the diplomatic staff,” read a statement issued by Armenia’s Foreign Ministry on Friday.

“Discriminatory measure are being carried out to disrupt Armenia’s trade and economic relations with different countries,” said the foreign ministry.

“The expanding geography of these acts and the fact of Azerbaijani officials are involved in these acts against the diplomatic missions of Armenia prove that the aforementioned incidents are coordinated by Azerbaijan’s official state structures,” added the foreign ministry.

“We strongly condemn the instigation of ethnic clashes in different countries, which is another manifestation of Baku’s irresponsibility and is fully in line with the policy and rhetoric of the Azerbaijani leadership provoking hostility between the two peoples with disregard for geographical restrictions,” said the foreign ministry.

“We call on our compatriots to be vigilant, not to give in to any provocation, and in case of such situations to immediately contact the local law enforcement bodies, Armenian community institutions and Armenia’s diplomatic representatives,’’ concluded Armenia’s Foreign Ministry statement.