Azerbaijani press: Azerbaijani diaspora’s success forces Armenian PM to purge officials in own government

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Aug. 2


The fact that Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan purged the officials in the Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs, fired 13 people, including high-ranking officials, clearly testifies that there are big problems in the activity of the Armenian diaspora.

The wave of activity of the organizations of the Azerbaijani diaspora, which followed a new outbreak of conflict in mid-July as a result of another Armenia’s provocation, aroused unrestrained anger of the Armenian diaspora abroad and became a real disaster for Yerevan and the Armenian lobby.

For the first time in history, the Armenian lobby found itself helpless amid the pressure of the Azerbaijani diaspora.

Azerbaijanis, demanding justice and protection of human rights, were subjected to the wild extremist attacks by Armenians in the center of Europe and in the US.

However, it is also important that Armenians, traditionally proclaimed as "peaceful keepers of Christian values in a hostile environment," this time showed rowdy aggression in many Western cities before the eyes of the international community and the world media, finally debunking the myth of their allegedly innocent "long-suffering" essence.

Of course, this was a consequence of the consolidation of the Azerbaijani diaspora around Azerbaijan and the national idea, which resulted in the organized rallies in many countries.

According to the Armenian media, the reason for Pashinyan's sharp reaction was the ineffectiveness of the diaspora committee.

The head of the department for the Armenian communities in Europe, the head of the department for relations with the Armenian communities in Western Europe and 11 more high level officials of this structure were fired, the Armenian media reported.

In particular, Pashinyan was extremely outraged by the defeat of the Armenian diaspora in those countries where it traditionally has the majority.

The prime minister was also outraged that High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs Zareh Sinanyan, was hiding these days, reportedly, in native California.

According to the newspaper, Pashinyan sharply rebuked Sinanyan, saying that his diaspora policy completely failed.

Pashinyan realizes that besides the defeat of the Armenian armed forces in the battles in the direction of Azerbaijan’s Tovuz district, the weakness, incompetence and inappropriate aggressiveness of the Armenian diaspora amid the law-abiding activity of the Azerbaijani diaspora, which successfully conveyed the fact of Armenia’s provocative and occupational policy to the world community, dealt a severe blow to Armenia’s image and Pashinyan’s personal authority.

The Armenian community has been shocked by the unprecedented unity, solidarity and courage shown by the Azerbaijani diaspora.

The huge Armenian diaspora, having become skilled in emigrant political games, provocations and lobbying during two centuries, turned out to be powerless against the just indignation, high ideology and combat spirit of the relatively few Azerbaijani activists abroad, who for the first time in history acted purposefully and in such an organized manner.

Thus, the activity of the Azerbaijani diaspora has put Armenia and the Armenian lobby in the worst position.

Such a deafening failure forced the Armenian prime minister to purge the officials in the diaspora committee.

However, it is obvious that no purge and populist statements in which Pashinyan is so "strong" will not outweigh the total frustration reigning in the Armenian society as a result of the demonstrative defeat both in the clashes on the border and on the fronts of an ideological war.

Trend News Agency’s department of politics