ANCA Burbank Commends Local Businesses for Removing Turkish Products

August 12,  2020

A Turkish Product Free Zone sign in front of Raffi Market in Burbank

BURBANK—The Armenian National Committee of America – Burbank Chapter commended local store owners for removing Turkish products from their store offerings.

ANCA members presented certificates of appreciation to two local businesses that have joined the “Make Burbank a Turkish Product Free Zone” movement. Red Top Market & Kitchen, and Raffi’s Market recently decided to remove all Turkish products from their store shelves.

Turkey’s deplorable Human rights record, military alliance with Azerbaijan, and denial of the Armenian Genocide lead storeowners to reconsider the stocking of Turkish exports. “The Republic of Turkey fully supports Azerbaijan’s recent and ongoing attacks against Armenia. Purchasing Turkish products enables Turkey’s persecution of religious and ethnic minorities, and its occupation of Armenian lands, lands that rightfully belong to the Republic of Armenia by way of the Wilsonian Arbiter Award of 1920. ” stated ANCA board member Shant Charshafjian.

Burbank ANCA calls on all residents to make informed consumer choices and to boycott Turkish products.

ANCA–Burbank advances the social, economic, cultural, and political rights of the area’s Armenian community and promotes its increased civic participation at the grassroots and public policy levels.