Azerbaijani press: Azerbaijani scientist talks underground water channels under Armenian occupation

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Aug. 12

By Ilhama Isabalayeva– Trend:

There is a serious need in Azerbaijan for carrying out scientific research works in qanats (underground water channel), Director of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) Alovsat Guliyev told Trend.

One of the important issues in terms of the efficient use of water resources is the protection and operation of qanats as water sources.

“Back in 1938, there were 1,500 qanats in Azerbaijan, of which 885 were officially registered, and these channels were used as sources of drinking and irrigation water,” Guliyev noted.

He added that more than 500 million cubic meters of water were used annually through the qanats.

“Currently, 332 of these qanats are under Armenian occupation," he said.

"Based on the agreement concluded with ANAS and Azersu OJSC, the qanats are being studied in the territory of Azerbaijan,” the director added.

“At present, the restoration of the qanats is underway in the Hasansu village of the Aghstafa district. Since the restoration of the qanats and the design of new ones are quite a costly work from a financial point of view, finding new sources of financing is the most important issue. But not everything should be left to the state. Patriotic businessmen should also support this activity,” Guliyev said.