Armenian, Russian Defense Ministers reach agreements on future military cooperation

Public Radio of Armenia
Aug 23 2020

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Armenian Defense Minister David Tonoyan met with his Russian counterpart, Army General Sergey Shoigu.

Issues related to regional security and bilateral military cooperation were discussed during the meeting.

The Armenian Minister of Defense briefed his counterpart on the military-political situation in the region after the July hostilities, as well as the operative situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani state border and the line of contact between the Artsakh and Azerbaijani forces.

David Tonoyan emphasized that the aggressive rhetoric of some steps military nature are aimed at destabilizing and militarizing the situation in the region.

In his turn, the Russian Defense Minister attached importance to the steps towards strengthening stability to be taken by all states.

Emphasizing the strategic allied nature of the Armenian-Russian relations,
the Ministers discussed and reached agreements on future military cooperation.

Minister of Defense David Tonoyan is in Moscow within the framework of the “International Army Games-2020” event.