Asbarez: An Extension of the Fighting Spirit

October 24,  2020

The author, Alec Minassian, with his classmates at a fund-raising event at Ferrahian


Following years of unprecedented turmoil and dispute along the Artsakh border with Azerbaijan, the aggression by the Azerbaijani regime has prompted overwhelming activism and decisive work in paving a path toward a more peaceful, stable condition in the region. In the face of civilian bombings, Syrian mercenaries, and authoritarian propaganda, the Armenian people and their undying spirit have proven more resilient and steadfast than any opposing force. 

In the diaspora, I am met with faces of concern and prayer, but more optimistically, I’ve been enlightened and inspired by the courage and determination my classmates, teachers, friends, and family have shown. My classmates and I have taken on the initiative of putting together necessary action to overcome the current hardships we face in the homeland. Within the last few days, students, teachers, faculty, and parents have come together in unprecedented fashion to host medical supply drop-offs, social media awareness calls, Congressional text banks and petitioning, and even a car wash fundraiser that generated thousands of dollars for our soldiers fighting for their ancestral homeland. 

Our community united immediately to give generously and work peacefully. Over the last three weeks, we’ve proven our strength, humility and capacity to outlive the cruel and inhumane aggression of the Azeri regime. Internationally, the Armenian community has and will continue to persevere beyond financial, social, or political downturn, because ultimately, the Armenian spirit is one of inherent determination, passion, and optimism. The work I’ve been proud to share is testament to that reality, and from it comes a certainty and an open-mindedness that is unique to the Armenian people. A certainty that ancestry, culture, diversity, and history will always overcome hatred, greed, and evil. 

As a Diaspora made up of inspired, passionate Armenians, this work defines us, and the contributions we make to the homeland are both necessary and incredibly valued. Petitioning Congress, raising funds, employing social media, and inspiring the international community will prove the difference in this horrific exposal of indecency, and ultimately, there is an abundant faith and sincerity that permeates throughout the Armenian diaspora and Armenian homeland, and that sincerity and optimism is certainly an extension of the fighting spirit we are never to abandon.

We remain committed to our efforts, individually and collectively. Continue your activism through the Armenian National Committee of America. Be inspired by our schools and churches and the thousands of volunteers dedicated to the Armenian Relief Society, ArmeniaFund and other humanitarian aid organizations. Remain active. Remain committed. Remain spirited. 

Alec Minassian is a senior at Holy Martyrs Ferrahian Armenian School.