BAKU: Azerbaijani embassy in Russia sent a note to Russian ForeignMi

Azerbaijani embassy in Russia sent a note to Russian Foreign Ministry

Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
March 17 2006

[ 17 Mar. 2006 20:12 ]

Azerbaijani embassy in Russia sent a note to Russian Foreign Ministry
in connection with the fact that Nagorno Garabagh is shown as the
territory of Armenia in the website of Inter RAO EES company.

Azerbaijani embassy in Russia told APA that the note reads publication
of information questioning territorial integrity of Azerbaijan is
unacceptable. The embassy requested the Russian Foreign Ministry to
focus on correction of the error made by INTER RAO EES Company and
not to allow publication of such false information in future.

In the website of Inter RAO EES company about the Southern Caucasus
countries, territories of the Nagorno Garabagh and Nakhchivan AR aren’t
shown as Azerbaijani territories, at the same time, Azerbaijani city-
Shusha is shown as ‘Shushi’ and Lachin as ‘Kashatag’. /APA/