Asbarez: Montevideo, Uruguay’s Capital, Recognizes Artsakh’s Independence

November 13,  2020

Montevideo, Uruguay City Hall

Denounces ‘End of War’ Agreement as ‘Consequence of Illegal Use of Force’

The City Council of Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, on Thursday recognized the independence of the Artsakh and denounced the “end of war” agreement as “a consequence of illegal use of force and not resulting from real balanced negotiation as established by the UN,” reported Diario Armenia.

The approved resolution states that “in view of the military attacks that occurred against the population of the Republic of Artsakh and Armenia by Azerbaijan with the support of the genocidal State of Turkey, transferring mercenaries for combat as a way to resolve the dispute in the Artsakh region violating the Minsk Group agreements and the ceasefire for all conflicts declared by the UN for the COVID-19 pandemic, we establish our total rejection of such action.”

In addition, Montevideo conveyed “our greatest solidarity with the entire civilian population (Armenian and Azerbaijani), the main victims of the numerous destabilizing attacks and violations of international law, as well as the recognition of the Artsakh and Armenian people who continue to fight for their survival, confronting the continuation of the genocide perpetrated in 1915.”

Later, Montevideo declared that “the agreement signed by Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia is the result of the illegal use of force and not of authentic balanced negotiations as established by the UN, representing a forced transfer of historical heritage and populated territory of Armenian origin.”

Finally, the Departmental Board of Montevideo announced its “recognition of the Republic of Artsakh, calling on the international community to respect its status as an independent State, this being the true path for a peaceful solution and a lasting peace for Artsakh and Armenia.”

Uruguay and its government have been staunch supporters of Artsakh’s right to self-determination and its independence.

In 2015, then foreign minister Luis Almagro called for the recognition of Artsakh.