The Armenian-Turkish Relations On Line


03:11 pm 21 March, 2006

The on line programme of March 20 entitled ” History ” of the
informative TG1 channel of the RAI UNO Television was devoted to the
past present and future Armenian – Turkish relations. The guests of
the program were the Armenian Embassador to Italy Ruben Shugaryan and
the Turkish Embassador to Italy Ugur Dijal and the Turkish historian
Omer Turan.

The cause for the program was the RAI UNO special program devoted to
the genocides of the 20th century.

It began with the presentation of the Armenian Genocide against
which the Turkey Embassador had sent a letter of complaint to the
television. The program began with Sharl Aznavur’s inteview with the
journalist who survived in the Osventium.

Then the Turkish Embassador accused the Italian press of partial
coverage of the issue of the Armenian genocide mentioning that
Turkey hasn’t adopted rejecting policy, it simply tries to find the
truth in the archives an it offers to form a committe of Armenian
– Turkish historians. In his turn Ruben Shaguryan claimed that the
interpretation of the issue from the Turkish side has nothing in common
with the Armenian interpretation and the position of the international
society on this score.By the way, the majority of them including
the Italian Parliament have recognised the Armenian genocide. The
Armenian Embassador put his accent on the fact that the history can
not be converted by the censor or other means.The Armenian genocide
is a historical fact and it is not a question of discussion and the
Armenian diaspora of 6 miilion people is a briiliant proof for it.

Speaking about the present Armenian – Turkish relations Ruben Shugaryan
mentioned Armenia’s readiness to establish diplomatic relations with
Turkey without any conditions at the same time he mentioned that the
closed frontier does not comply with the principles of the European
Councel. Some documentary films and photographs were desplayed during
the program.