Asbarez: Prelate Donoyan Welcomes Representatives of Churches, Schools, Organizations and Associations

January 5,  2020

On Monday and Tuesday, December 22 and 23, Western Prelate Bishop Torkom Donoyan welcomed representatives of churches, schools, communities, organizations who came to congratulate the Prelate on his election, as well as to express their heartfelt wishes, support and renewed their service to the Church.

Parish Priests and members of Board of Trustees and Ladies Guilds from Holy Martyrs, St. Mary’s, St. Sarkis, Forty Martyrs, Armenian Apostolic Church of Crescenta Valley and the Armenian Apostolic Church of North Hollywood subsequently congratulated the Prelate and renewed their service to the Church and the Western Prelacy.

The Prelate emphasized that the ultimate goal of the Armenian Church is to serve God, the Armenian people and especially to involve the Armenian youth in the various spheres of the Church’s service life.

Among the visitors of the first day were Principals and faculty members of Ari Giragos Minasyan School, Holy Martyrs Farahian High School, Marie Cabayan Elementary School, and ARS Ashkhen Pilavjian Kindergarten. Many important aspects of the Armenian school’s presence were discussed, especially the role of the Armenian school in the life of Armenian children, adolescents and young adults living in the Diaspora.

Shortly afterwards, during a visit with members of the Armenian National Committee of Western America, the Prelate praised the work of the Committee on the political front and especially the efforts made to resolve political, military and social issues between Armenia and Artsakh within the US Congress. The multifaceted work of the Catholicosate of Cilicia and the ANCA around the world for the recognition and reparation of the just rights of the Armenian people were also discussed.

On Tuesday, December 23, the first visitor was Mr. Ara Khachaturian, editor of “Asbarez” daily newspaper. An intimate conversation took place, during which the Prelate praised the more than 100-year-old pro-Armenian mission of the bilingual Asbarez newspaper. In the afternoon, Mr. Manoug Chukhajian, a Los Angeles-based member of Hamazkayin’s Central Committee, and members of the Regional Board paid a congratulatory visit to the Prelate. After praising Hamazkayin’s worldwide cultural activities, the Prelate expressed hope that with new and vibrant programs, they will continue the Armenian-inspired mission with youthful vigor and modernity.

In the afternoon, Homenetmen Western America Regional Board members visited the Western Prelacy and congratulated the Prelate on his election. The Prelate praised the activities of Homenetmen and wished them to “Rise” and continue to bring in a new quality into the national life of the Armenian, become the faithful heir of Armenian values and pass on the Homenetmen contributions to the next generations.

On the same day, the Prelate also welcomed members from the Armenian Youth of California, the Board of the Kessab Education Association, and the Brotherhood of the Armenian Apostolic Church, who also conveyed their heartfelt congratulations to the Prelate and, like everyone else, expressed their readiness to support the activities and programs of the Western Prelacy. In return, the Prelate praised the God-pleasing service which each organization brings, and wished them new achievements and new horizons in the future.

The two-day meetings took place in a welcoming atmosphere. Like the rest of the world, the Armenians of Western America are forced to live and act in the most prudent conditions in these days of a global pandemic. Everyone expressed high hopes that the New Year 2021 will be a blessed year for the Armenian Church, nation and homeland, full of positive achievements and successes.