Karekin II: This year we celebrate Army Day with pain of tragic consequences of war in our souls

Panorama, Armenia
Jan 28 2021

His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, issued a message on the 29th anniversary of the national army celebrated on January 28. The message reads: 

"From the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, we extend our blessings to the officers and soldiers of our Armed Forces and all our people on the occasion of Armed Forces Day.

Over the centuries, the Armenian soldier has shown great courage and devotion in all our struggles, heroically defending the homeland and its native people. In the wars for the defense of Artsakh, the brave commanders and soldiers of the Armenian Army, including the intrepid sons of the national minorities, fought heroically for the homeland with the same courageous spirit, and many of them gave their lives for their love towards the homeland and nation.

This year we celebrate the Army Day with the pain of the tragic consequences of the war in our souls. Ahead of the new challenges; we believe, that the Armenian nation around the world must forge new successes and achievements with the spirit of our past victories, restore the prosperous and productive life in Artsakh and Armenia; for the virtuous memory of our sons who died in honour of the fatherland.

With prayers to Almighty God we ask to protect our beloved sons – the defenders of the fatherland under His care; and grant them secure service. May the Heavenly Lord shed His Blessings and mercy to all our people in the homeland and in the Diaspora; today and always. Amen."