Give Us Opportunity to Talk about Civilization

15:09 24/03/06


`The representatives of Armenian intelligentsia have no opportunity to
discuss questions of civilization and culture at forums as such
occasions are not held in the country,’ announced art critic Hrach
Bayadyan during the discussion with philosopher Ashot Voskanyan
today. As he said, today the questions of civilization and culture are
discussed mainly on the level of Mass Media. In his turn A. Voskanyan
noticed that while discussing the above mentioned questions one must
firstly pay attention to social-economic problems of the
population. As A. Voskanyan thinks these two aspects are inseparable
and interdependent.

Talking about the clash of the Eastern and the Western civilizations
in Armenia H. Bayadyan mentioned that today these processes are
characteristic of any European country and one shouldn’t take them
dramatically. Moreover, as the art critic said the global processes
taking place in the country today are not being treated by the
Armenian population adequately as `Armenia is not a multiethnic
country.’ Nevertheless, it should be noted that the opinions of the
participants of the discussion coincided concerning the most
preferable social model for Armenia. Both give preference to the
European model. /