Suren Sargsyan: If you think better life will come with Artsakh’s surrender, you are gravely mistaken

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 2 2021

Political scientist Suren Sargsyan has shared the photo of PM Nikol Pashinyan on Facebook, along with a message, which reads:

"I think this person has always believed that Armenia has no future as long as it has the Karabakh issue. He believes that the only solution to Artsakh issue is to cede it to Azerbaijan. He thinks as long as we have Artsakh, we have problems. He believes that if there is no Karabakh issue, peace will be established in the region, the Armenian-Turkish and Armenian-Azerbaijani border will open, and we will turn into Switzerland. He seriously believes in all these," Sargsyan wrote, adding:

"Pashinyan, however, lacks the understanding that

1. The Artsakh issue is not resolved
2. it is an hollow idea to assume peace will come with Armenia's defeat, likewise it didn't come with Azerbaijan's defeat,
3. it is an hollow idea that the region will prosper,
4. the complex regional situation is not conditioned only by the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict,
5. it is conditioned by Russian-Turkish, US/Israel – Iran counteractions, complicated relations between Georgia and Russia, etc.
6. the Armenian-Turkish rapprochement or the settlement of the relations is not a matter of feasible future,
7. the Armenian-Azerbaijani rapprochement or the settlement of relations is a matter of unfeasible future. We will be obviously continued to be viewed as an enemy for them. 

If you think better life will come with Artsakh's surrender, you are gravely mistaken."