Imagine what Pashinyan may concede to satisfy Aliyev’s appetite – Larisa Alaverdyan

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 4 2021

"The ruling regime in Armenia is well trained and instructed in line with the most primitive formulas," Armenia's former Human Rights Defender Larisa Alaverdyan told a press conference on Thursday. In her words, the ruling force comprises of a group of people, a fifth column, which has obtained some knowledge over the time. 

"Today, we have that group of people in power, which is not only ashamed of its deeds, but is proud of own achievements since they are not accountable to people who are concerned with preservation of national values, but to those who have brought them to power," said Alaverdyan. 

In the words of the former Ombudswoman, efforts to improve Armenian-Turkish relations were on the agenda of all leaders of Armenia. 

"During the tenure of both the second and third presidents there were discussions on the topic. The Armenian people never opposed to the idea of having normal relations with neighbors. However, because of Turkey[s policy to dictate its rules, we have never agreed to that," said Alaverdyan, adding: "There is an agreement now. I am confident there are circles in the Armenian public who are serving to that fifth column. Others do not fully perceive the existing reality. The level of civic conscious we have today does not comply to the complexity of problems we are facing."

Alaverdyan suggested centers with the most vicious geopolitical ideas are extremely active in Armenia. 

"We have descended the zero level of internal resistance. We have lost our ideological, health and physiological immune. When we repeatedly voice about the need for the authorities be held responsible, they are scared of the changes. The think about the responsibility they may face in the future which makes them not to leave."

In Alaverdyan's words, there is another reason for the authorities not to leave. "They have a plan to sign two more agreements, one with Turkey, the other  – with Azerbaijan. I suppose the plan is there. It means Azerbaijan wants to sing peace pact with Artsakh within its borders. Apart from that, they have chosen Syunik province as another target. Azerbaijan's appetite for Zangezur is well-known. By the way, Azerbaijan has territorial claims to all of its neighbors, including Turkey," said Alaverdyan. 

She also blamed Pashinyan for the fact of having numerous captives in Azerbaijan. "Aliyev also knows about Pashinyan's guilt and will always make use of that fact. One may only guess what Aliyev may demand against the prisoners. It could be territories and agreements. We see only the top of the iceberg," said Alaverdyan. 

As to unblocking of communication routes, the speaker pointed to the complexity of the process which  has a direct impact on security. "Imagine what citizen Pashinyan may concede to satisfy Aliyev's appetite," Alaverdyan concluded.