Gevorg Gevorgyan: Not a single issue will be resolved in favor of Armenia so long as incumbent leaders stay in power

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 5 2021

Gevorg Gevorgyan, an Armenian politician and military expert, calls for shedding light on the processes that were discussed during the 2020 Artsakh war, particularly the “assassination attempt” against former Commander of the Artsakh Defense Army Jalal Harutyunyan, who was appointed Head of the Military Oversight Service of Armenia’s Defense Ministry on Thursday.

At a news conference on Friday, he urged army generals to speak out on the reasons behind the failure to stop the war.

“Our generals must speak out today, because the actions of today's authorities are leading to the complete disbandment of the army and discrediting of our soldiers. Our generals can oppose these steps with their tough position. Only political statements are not enough,” the expert said.

Gevorgyan stated the army has been and should continue to be a closed structure.

“I am against the approach that the army should be transparent. Today's reforms are being carried out for our enemies, since the current authorities serve Turkish-Azerbaijani interests. As I have repeatedly stated, the steps of the authorities are aimed at constantly serving their masters. In these conditions, the saying of the generals is very important. I am sure that the generals of the Defense Ministry have dignity and they should realize that the time has come to speak out,” Gevorgyan said.

He also deplored some generals' decision to accept new job offers from the current authorities that "act to the detriment of Armenia’s interests."

The military expert accused the authorities of telling lies to the “naive” Armenian people and coming to power two and a half years ago to “destroy” the country.

“But I belive the people will soon raise their voices. The Armenian people cannot stand aside and watch their country being destroyed,” he said.

Gevorg Gevorgyan claims so long as the incumbent leaders stay in power, not a single problem will be resolved in favor of Armenia, the Armenian people and soldiers.

“To force the enemy to return the servicemen, you must be powerful. But you cannot force the one who makes fun of you to return your soldiers. Power begets right. After all, today, due to the conspiratorial acts of these anti-nationals, the Azerbaijanis believe that they have won, and winners are not judged. Parents must realize that they cannot expect their sons’ repatriation under the current regime,” Gevorg Gevorgyan said, referring to the issue of the return of Armenian POWs from Azerbaijan.