Kocharyan: The fact that the status of Karabakh was forgotten is one of the biggest mistakes of Armenian diplomacy

News.am, Armenia
Feb 7 2021

The fact that the status of Karabakh was forgotten is one of the biggest mistakes of Armenian diplomacy, second President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan told Sputnik Armenia.

"The status is simply forgotten. It is not being discussed now. And maybe right now, discussing it is not entirely rational, since the safety of the people living in it has come to the fore. And the fact that the issue of status was forgotten is one of the biggest mistakes of Armenian diplomacy, because it was the status that was based on the referendum that said that the issue and the solution of the problem lay in the plane of the nation's self-determination."

"Now I think that we will enter the status talks from a very weak position. Now I do not see any clear explanation of our position from the Armenian Foreign Ministry or the Armenian authorities in general, except for the statement that the status has not been resolved. Azerbaijan says that they have de facto solved it and that it will be discussed in the future."

"We are not able to ensure the security of our own borders, and there is no political will to rebuild the armed forces," he added.