Armenian Republican Party spokesman: There is demand for Nikol Pashinyan’s resignation, not snap elections

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 12 2021

The roadmap, strategy and plan of the opposition Homeland Salvation Movement remain unchanged. This is what Spokesperson of the Republican Party of Armenia Eduard Sharmazanov said during today’s press conference.

“This plan consists of the following three actions: resignation of land giver Pashinyan, formation of an ad-hoc anti-crisis government and holding of snap elections without Nikol Pashinyan as Prime Minister. I refer to this as the second Karabakh movement. This must become and will become a pan-national uprising,” Sharmazanov said.

According to him, none of the political parties of the Movement has planned snap elections with Nikol Pashinyan as Prime Minister. “I agree with the My Step faction and say that yes, there is no demand for snap elections, but there is a demand for Nikol’s resignation. Nikol must resign. With Nikol in power, going to snap elections will lead to more turbulence, more problems and more clashes in Armenia. We need to concentrate our efforts, exert pressure and make Nikol resign.”

As for second President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan’s statement that he will participate in the elections organized by the incumbent authorities and win, Sharmazanov said Kocharyan expressed his opinion and he has nothing to say about it.