There is one provocateur in our country and his name is Nikol Pashinyan, opposition politician says

Panorama, Armenia
March 3 2021

"We have never resorted to provocations and will never do. There is only one provocateur in our country and his name is Nikol Pashinyan," the coordinator at opposition Homeland Salvation Movement Ishkhan Saghatelyan told reporters on Wednesday. 

Saghatelyan's remarks came when asked to comment on the heightened security measures undertaken in the vicinity of the building of the National Assembly with opposition staging a rally with the central Baghramyan avenue shut down and barricaded for the sixth consecutive day. 

Saghatelyan noted that Pashinyan's movement in Armenia is now possible only accompanied by large police forces which has been the result of all his actions being in power. 

The opposition representative stressed that Pashinyan will bear full responsibility for any incident that may happen and its iconsequences. 

"We will never make provocations since this is a matter of national political struggle for us, and our aim is to complete this cause. "

To note, Pashinyan is expected to visit the National Assembly at 16.30 where the cabinet members are set to hold a Q/A session with lawmakers.