Anti-Pashinyan protesters rally outside Armenian president’s residence

Panorama, Armenia

Society 17:12 13/03/2021Armenia

Many opposition activists rallied outside the Armenian president’s residence on Saturday to obstruct a meeting of Armen Sarkissian and Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

The protesters were chanting “Nikol the traitor!", "Armenia without a Turk", “Leave, land giver!”, etc.

Large police forces were deployed in the area. Addressing them, one of the protesters said: "Dear police officers, you just have to hold on a little bit, we will get rid of him soon. We know that you stand with us. Hold on!”

Later, it became clear that Pashinyan left the presidential residence bypassing Demirchyan Street, where participates of the rally organized by the Homeland Salvation Movement were waiting for him.

ARF member Gerasim Vardanyan and RPA Youth Organization head Hayk Mamijanyan said that they have succeeded in fulfilling their task, in particular, they prevented the “traitor” from moving around in Yerevan freely.

They said that today's protest is over, but they will continue the struggle for Pashinyan’s removal from office.

Earlier on Saturday, the opposition held a rally outside the Foreign Ministry building to impede the prime minister’s planned visit.