Refugees from Artsakh experiencing severe psychological trauma, physiologist says

Panorama, Armenia

"Refugees from Artsakh express no emotions, they are neither happy nor sad and are in severe physiological state," phycologist Irina Tsaturyan said at a press conference, sharing her experience of working with refugees who had found shelter in Armenia after the recent war in Nagorno Karabakh. 

Tsaturyan informed that refugees who live in Saghmosavank are mostly from Shushi and Hadrut. The psychological trauma of displaced people, per Tsaturyan, may  sometimes lead to aggressive behavior toward compatriots in Armenia, however, the cases of hatred toward locals are rare. 

In the words of the psychologist, aggression is expressed due to inability to satisfy basic needs. She recalled the situation back in 90s, when refugees from Baku and Sumgait experienced the same emotions.