‘In liberated Artsakh Azeris’ graves were not being destroyed’: Reference to BBC report

Panorama, Armenia
Culture 12:21 26/03/2021Armenia

“In liberated Artsakh Azeris' graves were not being destroyed,” Facebook user Narine Arzumanyan said on Friday, referring to a part of the BBC News report “Nagorno-Karabakh: The mystery of the missing church”, which claimed the Armenians had allegedly destroyed the graves of Azerbaijanis.

“BBC News yesterday showed the totally demolished Armenian church in the territory of Artsakh occupied by Azerbaijan and then, to equate, some stones that Azerbaijanis were collecting and presenting as "ruined-by-Armenians-grave".

“These photos were taken at archeological site of Tigranakert in Artsakh years ago,” Arzumanyan wrote, sharing the photos.

BBC correspondent Jonah Fisher has investigated the disappearance of an Armenian church that fell under the control of Azerbaijan in the recent Nagorno-Karabakh war. An online video shows Zoravor Surb Astvatsatsin Church near the town of Mekhakavan (Jebrayil) was intact when Azerbaijan occupied the territory.

“Azerbaijan has said ethnic Armenians are welcome to stay in Nagorno-Karabakh but Armenia has accused it of damaging and destroying Armenian cultural heritage left behind in the region, including churches and monuments. Both sides accuse the other of war crimes,” the BBC reported.