Andranik Margarian: Criminality’s Internationalization MakesDevelopm


Noyan Tapan
Mar 30 2006

YEREVAN, MARCH 30, NOYAN TAPAN. The process of internalization of
criminality, thus, increase of the specific weight of international
elements in the affair of carrying out crimes in territories of two
or more states, objectively conditioned the necessity of establishment
and future development of the international and interstate cooperation
in the legal sphere. RA Prime Minister Andranik Margarian stated
about this, making the greeting speech at the March 29 sitting of
the Coordination Council of heads of bodies counteracting illegal
circulation of drugs of the member states of the Collective Security
Treaty Organization (CSTO). “The role and meaning of the Coordination
Council of heads of bodies counteracting illegal circulation of drugs
of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization
is great in the sphere of counter-drug struggle, what will certainly,
support working out and implementation of mutually agreed strategy,
new mechanisms of counteracting the illegal circulation of drugs,”
the Prime Minister mentioned. As Noyan Tapan was informed by
the RA Government’s Information and Public Relations Department,
Andranik Margarian emphasized that the illegal circulation of drugs,
as a particularly dangerous social event, got an all-embracing,
transnational character, became one of the most serious problems of the
mankind and is addressed to degradation of processes of stabilization
of political, social-economic stability of states, genofund of
nations. “It is not accidental that our countries’ heads pay special
attention to issue of stryggle against mentioned events the evidence
of what some operative-preventing events held already for the third
years are, the goal of what creation of a security zone directed to
preventing illegal penetration of drugs into the member stated of the
Collective Security Treaty is. Emphasizing that no country is able to
counteract the illegal circulation of drugs alone, the Prime Minister
attached great importance to organizing and holding such meetings
and events as the event being held in Yerevan is. The Prime Minister
expressed confidence that the sitting will be another step on the way
of more active and productive development of cooperation among bodies
engaged in issue of counteracting the illegal circulation of drugs of
the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. “I’s
sure that results of your work will support development of the mutual
cooperation existing among the corresponding bodies of the Collective
Security member states.” Andranik Margarian stated.