CSUN’s University Library Commemorates Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day

The University
Library Commemorates Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day

CSUN University
Library (Northridge, California)

April 12, 2021

Hello Matadors,


April 24 is Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day which commemorates
the victims of the Armenian Genocide and offers us the opportunity to recognize
and mourn the 1.5 million Armenian lives lost due to ethnic cleansing. The
following digital exhibits and resources provide important historical
documentation into the massacre and atrocities that took place against the
Armenian people from 1915-1923.


The United States Military in the
First Republic of Armenia 1919-1920
 is a 27-panel exhibit that
documents the extent of U.S. humanitarian intervention during the most
difficult years in the life of the newly formed Armenian state (the First
Republic of Armenia), which provided refuge to thousands of survivors of the
Armenian Genocide. Based upon the photographic collection of an American
medical officer, Dr. Walter P. Davenport, the exhibit reveals the depth and
breadth of measures taken by U.S. military personnel to stabilize the
humanitarian crisis in Armenia, and especially the caretaking of the most
vulnerable part of the population through hospitals, orphanages, food
distribution points, and other facilities.


The digital exhibit, Iconic Images of the Armenian Genocide curated by
Dr. Rouben Adalian, Director of the Washington, DC Armenian National Institute
(ANI) provides additional historical record of the crimes committed against the
Armenian people and the suffering that took place. (Note: Some images are
graphic). A Spanish language version of the
ANI website
 is also available.

Finally, the online Armenian Genocide Museum of America (AGMA) features
stories and galleries depicting the history and legacy of the genocide.

Additional resources below chronical the historical significance of
the Armenian Genocide and commemorate the experiences of the lives lost and
those who continue to be impacted by the Armenian Genocide. All of these
resources are accessible through the University Library, LAPL, or LA County




The Thirty-Year
Genocide: Turkey’s Destruction of its Christian Minorities, 1894-1924
by Benny Morris and Dror Ze’evi


Knowing about Genocide: Armenian Suffering and Epistemic
 by Joachim J. Savelsberg


The Sandcastle Girls (University Library) or The Sandcastle Girls (LAPL)
by Chris Bohjalian



The Other Side of
(LAPL) The Other Side of
 (LA County Libraries)

The Cut


An additional film, the documentary What Will Become of Us, about the impact of the Armenian
Genocide on several generations of Armenian Americans, is not yet widely
available. Check the 
What Will Become of Us website
for information about screening opportunities.

Twitter handles








A special thanks to Mihran Toumajan, Western Region
Director of the Armenian Assembly of America and to Dr. Rouben Adalian,
Director of the Armenian National Institute for providing the content for this