Asbarez: Armenian American Museum Kicks Off Virtual Stakeholder Meetings

April 13, 2021

Top row from l to r: Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Dr. Nazareth E. Darakjian, Rev. Berdj Djambazian. Middle row from l to r: Talin Yacoubian, Berdj Karapetian, Zaven Kazazian, Avedik Izmirlian. Third row from l to r: Aram Alajajian, Mary Khayat and Shant Sahakian

GLENDALE—The Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of California has kicked off a series of virtual stakeholder meetings to provide donors, supporters, and community members with a progress report on the landmark center and historic groundbreaking year.

The series of virtual stakeholder meetings kicked off with the museum’s Benefactors, Legacy Council, and Founder’s Circle members in March.

“It has been a pleasure to meet with our valued stakeholders and have an opportunity to engage in a dialogue on the exciting future of the Armenian American Museum,” stated Executive Chairman Berdj Karapetian. “We look forward to the upcoming stakeholder meetings to connect with our donors, supporters, and community members with the community-wide celebration of the historic groundbreaking on the horizon.”

The initial meetings have covered a wide range of topics including the museum’s collaboration with the City of Glendale, the museum’s refined building design, the selection process for the General Contractor, the formation of the new Board of Governors, the advancement of the permanent exhibition on the Armenian American experience, the formation of the new Exhibition Committee, upcoming donor opportunities for supporters, and the Groundbreaking Ceremony planned for Summer 2021.

The initial meetings featured presentations by the Board of Trustees, Executive leadership, staff, and architects of the project and concluded with Q&A sessions for stakeholders to ask questions and provide feedback on the museum project.

The museum plans to host several virtual meetings and presentations for the greater community throughout Spring 2021.

The mission of the Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of California is to promote understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Armenian American experience. The vision is a cultural campus that enriches the community, educates the public on the Armenian American story, and empowers individuals to embrace cultural diversity and speak out against prejudice.