Second Kapan-Meghri highway will be handed over for exploitation att

Second Kapan-Meghri highway will be handed over for exploitation at the end
of 2006
31.03.2006 16:18

The second Kapan-Meghri highway of interstate importance will be
handed over for exploitation by the end of 2006. The construction of
the road had started in 2005, 10.9 billion drams were allocated from
state budget for this purpose in 2005 and 2006.

Head of the Information Department of RA Ministry of Transport and
Communication Tamara Ghalechyan informed that Verishen-Tsav sector
of the highway will be built up from the start, existing segments of
the road will be fundamentally renovated.

The highway will have a length of 96.4 kilometers, the highest point
will be 2160 km as compared to the 2483 km of the existing road.

By the way Armenia has two roads of communication with Iran, while
three highways link Armenia with Georgia.