Authorities should know any attempt to rig elections will meet aggressive response, Kocharyan says

Panorama, Armenia
April 30 2021

The current Armenian authorities should know that any possible attempt to rig the upcoming snap parliamentary elections will meet an aggressive and resolute response, Armenia’s second President Robert Kocharyan told a meeting with his supporters on April 26.

His comments came in response to a question about possible fraud during the early elections slated for June 20.

The official Facebook page of the former president released a video featuring the third part of the meeting on Friday.

According to Kocharyan, if there is a public demand for fair elections, no government will dare to carry out violations, understanding the consequences they may cause.

"I do not think that they have enough resources to take such steps today. The issue must be resolved immediately in a different way. I repeat myself, it is all up to you," he said.

The former president indicated the snap elections will not be an easy process, adding large-scale campaign will be required. Kocharyan said the creation of their election headquarters is nearing completion.

He noted a large group of proxies is set to monitor the voting at polling stations and ensure that the elections are not stolen.