CivilNet: EU Increases Humanitarian Aid To Nagorno-Karabakh By €10 Million



By Emilio Luciano Cricchio

The European Union will provide an additional €10 million in humanitarian aid to those affected by the Second Karabakh War, bringing their total aid since the end of the war to over €17 million. 

This latest increase will be used to provide  food, hygiene, medical and other household items to those affected.

Funding will furthermore be used to ensure demining of explosives in populated areas and provide mine risk education to the local population. 

“As pledged at the end of last year, we are today delivering additional assistance to the people most affected by the conflict. Our support will not stop there: the EU continues to work towards a more comprehensive conflict transformation and long-term socio-economic recovery and resilience of the region,” said Olivér Várhelyi, Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement.

During the war, the EU allocated €900,000 to Nagorno-Karabakh, primarily to support the mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross. 

Following the November 9 ceasefire agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the funding was increased by another €3 million.