Residents of Karabakh’s Karmir Shouka don’t let Azerbaijanis pass with their cars, plan to do this every day, Armenia

Azerbaijan has advanced in different directions in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). This is what deputy of the Justice faction of the National Assembly of Artsakh Metakse Hakobyan told Armenian

“The situation in Artsakh has been troubling ever since the incidents took place in Syunik Province, but the Azerbaijanis are unable to move forward a lot since they have to travel meters. Based on the information that I received yesterday, they had moved in the direction of Charektar and tried to position themselves, but the residents of Charektar and Haterk made them return to their starting positions,” she stated.

Touching upon the fact that Azerbaijani cars have passed through the territory of Karmir Shouka and the residents’ concern, the deputy said the following: “The Azerbaijanis pass through the territory of Karmir Shouka every day. After November 10, 2020, this is the only road through which they pass to reach Shushi. Since there is a long series of trucks and it takes hours for them to pass, today the residents tried to not let them pass. They were very persistent and have decided to not let them pass until the issue is solved. They ask why Azerbaijanis can pass through their territories, but they can’t pass through Karvatchar to visit Armenia.”