Russian peacekeepers held a humanitarian aid action in the village of Martuni

Panorama, Armenia
June 1 2021

In Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh), on the eve of the International Children's Day, the Russian Federation's peacekeeping contingent held a humanitarian aid campaign in the administration of the district center and two schools in the Martuni district, the Russian Defense Ministry reported. 

Due to the power outages in the region, during the action, representatives of the humanitarian center of the Russian peacekeeping contingent handed over the necessary electrical equipment to representatives of the administration.

"Today, an action was held to provide the administration of the district center of the Martuni district with the necessary equipment for uninterrupted power supply to the entire village, as there were big problems before that. This problem will be solved today, " said Ruslan Ivanov, an officer at the Humanitarian Response Center.

Also, during the visit to schools and kindergartens of the district center, the peacekeepers handed over to the medical offices of educational institutions paramedic kits and first-aid kits, which include a set of the most necessary medicines and dressings.

"In the same area, an action was held in two schools to issue paramedic kits and the necessary medical equipment," the officer added.