Artsakh plans to boost ecotourism and agricultural tourism



 15:54, 4 June, 2021

YEREVAN, JUNE 4, ARMENPRESS. The Tourism Department of the Ministry of Economic and Agriculture of Artsakh is carrying out observations after the recent war and is taking actions to create alternative tourism directions in the Republic.

“After the war 80% of the main tourism sites of Artsakh are occupied by Azerbaijan at this moment, but this doesn’t mean that we have lost our potential. There are many sites which have a great tourism potential, and the Republic of Artsakh, in the person of the Tourism Department, is working on creating alternative directions”, head of the Tourism Department Gevorg Arakelyan told Armenpress.

He informed that they have already carried out monitoring, organized cognitive visits to the alternative directions, one of them is the Patara-Tsmakahogh-Kolatak-Vank village direction.

Mr. Arakelyan stated that they are planning to boost ecotourism and agricultural tourism because the country has a big potential for that.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan