Not Doomsday If The Conflict Not Regualted

14:27 05/04/06

“None of the sides of Karabakh conflict is interested in gaining
time. Now the sides should use the time to finds ways to solve the
problem,” announced EU newly appointed Special Representative for
South Caucasus Peter Semneby in Yerevan today.

In his turn, RA Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan, considering the
negotiations in Rambouillet a failure, stated that although there is
no agreement over a number of questions the negotiation process must
be continued. What refers to the announcement of US Ambassador in
Azerbaijan R. Harnish saying that NKR problem will get its solution
in 2006, V. Oskanyan said: “It’s difficult for me to say what is the
basis for such insistences,” and noticed that the negotiation must be
continued and there is possibility that certain developments will be
recorded. “Yet it is not going to be doomsday if there is no progress
in 2006,” he advised.

Vardan Oskanyan also informed that he has already met the America
Co-chair S. Mann in Washington, and this Friday the Azeri FM
E. Mamedyarov is scheduled to meet the Co-chair. “If Mamedyarov-Mann
meeting has positive results it is quite possible for the Co-chairs
to pay a visit to the region after which the meeting between FMs can
be held.”

Vardan Oskanyan is sure about one thing: “We have already stated this
question has no military solution.

Azerbaijan has twice declared war, both had no result.

This problem is to be solved by means of negotiations.

Armenia has already done its best, now it’s Azerbaijan’s turn to
take steps.” In his turn Peter Semneby warned: “Any attempt to start
a war will have rather serious if not baneful results.” To note, the
real addressee of the warning of the envoy is Azeri side periodically
which appears with bellicose announcements.

To note, today Armenian FM Vardan Oskanyan is departing for Moscow
on a 2-day call in the scopes of which he is going to meet Russian
FM S. Lazarev as well as OSCE Minsk Group Russia Co-chair Yuri